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SISAME Win32 Usage Notes


The Win32 application and library binaries should be installed to a directory in the PATH. The NHTSA Tools, SimFil, and VeCor Win32 applications require the Tools library DLLs.

File Versioning

Default output file name versioning is simulated by appending a version of the form ~n to the file name, where n is the next available version number.

Batch File Usage

Win32 batch files can be used to run the SISAME applications to, for example, include preset command line arguments. The way Win32 parses batch file arguments presents some difficulties here. Win32 will split any batch file argument at any character in the set { , ; = } or a space, but enclosing the argument in double quotes ("argument") will prevent this. Alternatively, the SISAME programs will accept # instead of = in arguments of the form OPTION=value. And, apostrophes can be used instead of commas to separate file name template repeat group elements.