Appendix B:  Copy of Questionnaires

Demographic Questionnaire

Subject ID# ___________

Please answer each of the following items.

  1. What is your age in years: _________
  1. Gender: _____ Male                _____ Female
  1. What is your highest level of education?
    1. Didn't complete high school
    2. High school graduate
    3. Some college
    4. 2-year college degree/trade school
    5. 4-year college degree
    6. Masters degree
    7. Professional degree
    8. Doctorate degree
  1. What is your occupation: ____________________
  1. What group do you identify yourself with
    1. Latino/Latina
    2. African-American
    3. Caucasian
    4. Middle Eastern
    5. Pacific Islander
    6. Asian
    7. Other ________________
  1. How many years have you been driving? ______________
  1. What type of driving do you usually do? (please indicate all that apply)
    1. Around town driving
    2. Commuting on freeways
    3. Commuting on other main roads
    4. Short distance travel (50-200-mile round trip)
    5. Middle distance travel (201-500-mile round trip)
    6. Long distance travel  (>500-mile round trip)

Driving History – Subject Interview

In the past year, how many moving or traffic violations have you had? ___________

What type of violation was it?

(1). ____________________

(2). ____________________

(3). ____________________

(4). ____________________

(5). ____________________

In the past year how many accidents have you been in?  ________________

For each accident indicate the severity of the crash (select highest)

a.       Injury

b.      Tow-away (any vehicle)

c.       Police-reported

d.      Damage (any), but no police report

Using the diagram indicate each of the following: Category, Configuration, Accident type


Accident 1

Accident 2

Accident 3

Accident 4

Accident 5

Accident Severity


Accident Category


Accident Configuration


Accident Type


Comments: ______________________________________________________________




Health Assessment

To the Participant: Please note that your responses to the following questions will in no way
affect your ability to participate in the study.  Your honest answers are appreciated

  1. Do you have a history of any of the following? 
    1. Stroke                                                                          Y    N
    2. Brain tumor                                                                  Y    N
    3. Head injury                                                                   Y    N
    4. Epileptic seizures                                                          Y    N
    5. Respiratory disorders                                                    Y    N
    6. Motion sickness                                                            Y    N
    7. Inner ear problems                                                        Y    N
    8. Dizziness, vertigo, or other balance problems                 Y    N
    9. Diabetes                                                                       Y    N
    10. Migraine, tension headaches                                          Y    N
    11. Depression                                                                   Y    N
    12. Anxiety                                                                         Y    N
    13. Other psychiatric disorders                                           Y    N
    14. Arthritis                                                                        Y    N
    15. Auto-immune disorders                                                 Y    N
    16. High blood pressure                                                      Y    N
    17. Heart arrhythmias                                                                            Y    N
    18. Chronic fatigue syndrome                                             Y    N
    19. Chronic stress                                                              Y    N

If yes to any of the above, please explain? _____________________________________





  1. Are you currently taking any medications on a regular basis?   Y    N

If yes, please list them. ____________________________________________________




  1. (Females only) Are you currently pregnant?                   Y    N
  1. Height __________
  1. Weight __________lbs.
Dula Dangerous Driving Index

Please answer each of the following items as honestly as possible.  Please read each item carefully and then circle the answer you choose on the form.  If none of the choices seem to be your ideal answer, then select the answer that comes closest.  THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS.  Select your answers quickly and do not spend too much time analyzing your answers.  If you change an answer, erase the first one well.

1.   I drive when I am angry or upset.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

2.   I lose my temper when driving.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

3.   I consider the actions of other drivers to be inappropriate or “stupid.”

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

4.   I flash my headlights when I am annoyed by another driver.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

5.   I make rude gestures (e.g., giving “the finger,” yelling curse words) toward drivers who annoy me.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

6.   I verbally insult drivers who annoy me.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

7.   I deliberately use my car/truck to block drivers who tailgate me.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

8.   I would tailgate a driver who annoys me.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

9. I “drag race” other drivers at stop lights to get out front.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

10. I will illegally pass a car/truck that is going too slowly.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

11. I feel it is my right to strike back in some way, if I feel another driver has been aggressive toward me.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

12. When I get stuck in a traffic jam I get very irritated.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

13. I will race a slow moving train to a railroad crossing.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

14. I will weave in and out of slower traffic.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

15. I will drive if I am only mildly intoxicated or buzzed.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

16. When someone cuts me off, I feel I should punish him/her.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

17. I get impatient and/or upset when I fall behind schedule when I am driving.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

18. Passengers in my car/truck tell me to calm down.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

19. I get irritated when a car/truck in front of me slows down for no reason.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

20. I will cross double yellow lines to see if I can pass a slow moving car/truck.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

21. I feel it is my right to get where I need to go as quickly as possible.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

22. I feel that passive drivers should learn how to drive or stay home.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

23. I will drive in the shoulder lane or median to get around a traffic jam.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

24. When passing a car/truck on a 2-lane road, I will barely miss on-coming cars.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

25. I will drive when I am drunk.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

26. I feel that I may lose my temper if I have to confront another driver.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

27. I consider myself to be a risk-taker.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

28. I feel that most traffic “laws” could be considered as suggestions.

            A. Never          B. Rarely          C. Sometimes                D. Often           E. Always

Sleep Hygiene Questionnaire

Using the following rating scale, to what extent do you currently experience the following?

                                                         None                    Moderate                            Severe

Daytime sleepiness                              1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Snoring                                                1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Difficulty Falling Asleep                     1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Difficulty Staying Asleep                    1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Difficulty Waking Up                         1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Daytime Sleepiness                             1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Obtain Too Little Sleep                                   1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

Read through the following questions carefully and answer each as accurately as possible:

1. When you are working:

what time do you go to bed  ____:____ a.m./p.m. and wake up ____:____ a.m./p.m.

2. When you are not working:

what time do you go to bed  ____:____ a.m./p.m. and wake up ____:____ a.m./p.m.

3. Do you keep a fairly regular sleep schedule?  Yes_____     No_____

4. How many hours of actual sleep do you usually get? ________

5. Do you consider yourself a light, normal, or heavy sleeper? _______________

6. Do you feel uncomfortably sleepy during the day?  never_____      every day_____    

    more than once per week_____       once per week _____      a few times a month _____

    once a month or less_____

7. Do you ever have an irresistible urge to sleep or find that you fall asleep in unusual/

    inappropriate situations?  never_____       every day_____      more than once per week_____

    once per week _____       a few times a month _____       once a month or less_____

8. Do you usually nap during the day (or between major sleep periods)?

    Yes_____     No_____

9. Do you drink caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Jolt Cola)?

    Yes_____     No_____

10. If yes, how many cups/glasses per day? __________________

11. How often do you drink alcohol?   never_____     every day_____    

      more than once per week_____      once per week _____      once a month or less_____

12. Do you smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipe or chew or snuff tobacco? Yes_____   No_____

13. If yes, how often? __________________________


14. Have you ever been diagnosed with or suffer from any of the following sleep disorders?

Narcolepsy                                          Yes      No      

Sleep Apnea                                        Yes      No

Periodic Limb Movement                    Yes      No

Restless Leg Syndrome                       Yes      No

Insomnia                                             Yes      No

Driver Stress Inventory

Please answer the following questions on the basis of your usual or typical feelings about driving.  Each question asks you to answer according to how strongly you agree with one of two alternative answers.  Please read each of the two alternatives carefully before answering.  To answer, circle the number which expresses your answer most accurately. 

Example: Are you a confident driver?

            1          2          3         4         5         6         7         8         9          10

    Not at all                                                                                                Very Much

  1. Does it worry you to drive in bad weather?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very Much                                                                               Not at all

  1. I am disturbed by thoughts of having an accident or the car breaking down.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very Rarely                                                                                         Very Often

  1. Do you lose your temper when another driver does something silly?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                              Very much

  1. Do you think you have enough experience and training to deal with risky situations on the road safely?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                              Very much

  1. I find myself worrying about my mistakes and the things I do badly when driving.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very rarely                                                                               Very often

  1. I would like to risk my life as a racing driver.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                              Very much

  1. My driving would be worse than usual in an unfamiliar rental car.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                              Very much

  1. I sometimes like to frighten myself a little while driving.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                             Not at all

  1. I get a real thrill out of driving fast.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                             Not at all

  1. I make a point of carefully checking every side road I pass for emerging vehicles.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very Much                                                                                            Not at all

  1. Driving brings out the worst in people.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                               Very much

  1. Do you think it is worthwhile taking risks on the road?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                             Not at all

  1. At times, I feel like I really dislike other drivers who cause problems for me.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                             Not at all

  1. Advice on driving from a passenger is generally:

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

       Useful                                                                                                  Unnecessary

  1. I like to raise my adrenaline levels while driving.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                              Very much

  1. It's important to show other drivers that they can't take advantage of you.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                               Very much

  1. Do you feel confident in your ability to avoid an accident?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                               Very much

  1. Do you usually make an effort to look for potential hazards when driving?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                               Very much

  1. Other drivers are generally to blame for any difficulties I have on the road.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                               Very much

  1. I would enjoy driving a sports car on a road with no speed-limit.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. Do you find it difficult to control your temper when driving?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. When driving on an unfamiliar road do you become more tense than usual?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. I make a special effort to be alert even on roads I know well.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. I enjoy the sensation of accelerating rapidly.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. If I make a minor mistake when driving, I feel it's something I should be concerned about

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

      Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. I always keep an eye on parked cars in case somebody gets out of them, or there are pedestrians behind them.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. I feel more anxious than usual when I have a passenger in the car.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. I become annoyed if another car follows very close behind mine for some distance

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. I make an effort to see what's happening on the road a long way ahead of me.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. I try very hard to look out for hazards even when it's not strictly necessary.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. Are you usually patient during the rush hour?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. When you pass another vehicle do you feel in command of the situation?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. When you pass another vehicle do you feel tense or nervous?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. Does it annoy you to drive behind a slow moving vehicle?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. When you're in a hurry, other drivers usually get in your way.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. When I come to negotiate a difficult stretch of road, I am on the alert.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. Do you feel more anxious than usual when driving in heavy traffic?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. I enjoy cornering at high speeds.

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Not at all                                                                                                Very much

  1. Are you annoyed when the traffic lights change to red when you approach them?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. Does driving, usually make you feel aggressive?

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Very much                                                                                              Not at all

  1. Think about how you feel when you have to drive for several hours, with few or no breaks from driving.  How do your feelings change during the course of the drive?

a)      More uncomfortable                1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   No change

physically (e.g., headache or muscle pains)

b)      More drowsy or sleepy           1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   No change

c)      Maintain speed of reaction     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   Reactions to other traffic

becomes increasingly slower

d)      Maintain attention to road-signs        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   Become  inattentive to  road-signs

e)      Normal vision                           1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10  

Vision becomes less clear

f)        Increasingly difficult       to         1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   Normal   

judge your speed  judgment of speed                                                                                           

g)      Interest in driving does not        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   Increasingly 

                change                                                                                           bored and fed up

h)      Passing becomes increasing-     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10   No change

ly risky and dangerous

Life Stress Inventory

Please read through the following events carefully.  Mark each event which occurred within the past year.

____ Death of spouse or parent                     

____ Divorce                                      

____ Marital separation or separation   from living partner

____ Jail term                                      

____ Death of close family member     

____ Personal injury or illness

____ Fired from job                            

____ Marital or relationship reconciliation

____ Retirement                                  

____ Change in health of family member

____ Pregnancy                                  

____ Sex difficulties                             

____ Gain of new family member         

____ Business readjustment     

____ Change in financial state  

____ Death of close friend       

____ Change to different line of work or  study                                                                   

____ Change in number of arguments with spouse or partner

____ Mortgage or loan for major purchase (home, etc.)

____ Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 

____ Change in responsibilities at work            

____ Son or daughter leaves

____ Trouble with in-laws/partner's family

____ Outstanding personal achievement

____ Mate begins or stops work

____ Change in living conditions

____ Marriage/establishing life partner

____ Change in personal habit

____ Trouble with boss

____ Change in work hours or conditions

____ Change in residence

____ Change in schools

____ Change in church activities

____ Change in recreation

____ Change in social activities

____ Minor loan (car, TV, etc)

____ Change in sleeping habits

____ Change in number of family get-togethers

____ Change in eating habits

____ Vacation

____ Christmas (if approaching)

____ Minor violation of the law