The Influence of the Use of Mobile Phones on Driver Situation Awareness 5/17/00 2:31:00 PM
Individual Differences and In-Vehicle Distraction While Driving: A Test Track Study and Psychometric Evaluation 5/18/00 10:35:38 AM
Is it safe to talk on a cell phone while driving?
Which of the following is your biggest safety concern associated with cell phone use while driving?
Under which conditions would you feel it safe to use a cell phone.
Do you use a hands-free or hand-held cell phone while driving?
If you use a “hands free” phone while driving, how often do you use it in your vehicle in its hands free mode?
How often do you receive calls when you drive?
Pedestrian vs. SUV? 7/5/00 9:05:43 AM
non-standard vehicles 7/5/00 10:23:17 AM
Pull over or get off of the Phone!! 7/5/00 11:57:36 AM
Vacant Drivers 7/5/00 12:12:24 PM
To My Kids 7/5/00 12:50:56 PM
Distractions 7/5/00 1:27:38 PM
Cell Phones vs. Alcohol 7/5/00 2:55:02 PM
look out!! He/she is on the phone! 7/5/00 3:23:19 PM
Vacant drivers threaten bicyclists as well as motorcyclists 7/5/00 3:58:12 PM
Conversation Depth vs. Frequency vs. Complexity 7/6/00 7:21:55 AM
Agree 7/6/00 8:43:26 AM
I used to talk and drive 7/6/00 9:55:47 AM
Poor performance due to distractions not limited to cell phones 7/6/00 11:16:00 AM
Tending to a child in the vehicle is another distraction problem 7/6/00 1:48:11 PM
VAcant Drivers 7/6/00 1:49:37 PM
July 6,2000 Fatality in Grand Rapids, MI 7/7/00 7:41:55 AM
Get off of the phone! 7/7/00 9:04:24 AM
study 7/7/00 11:11:21 AM
Study - cellphone use effects compared to alcohol consumption 7/7/00 11:19:40 AM
DRIVING IS A FULL TIME JOB!!!! 7/7/00 2:01:56 PM
We all do it! 7/8/00 10:30:32 AM
Communications Industry 7/8/00 1:26:29 PM
The ads in magazines alone are frightening 7/8/00 4:50:11 PM
All communication devices are dangerous while driving 7/8/00 6:08:13 PM
I think the study you mentioned is posted on the Index page 7/8/00 8:33:42 PM
An "M" Chip? 7/9/00 3:38:49 PM
Study - Common misinterpretation 7/9/00 3:53:39 PM
Correction: An "M" Chip? 7/9/00 4:05:44 PM
Cell Phones 7/9/00 4:18:38 PM
The larger issue of distracted driving 7/9/00 4:47:09 PM
Laws to address hazardous driving 7/9/00 5:10:55 PM
Wireless communication saves lives in emergency situations 7/9/00 5:36:51 PM
cell phones are a danger in a moving vehicle 7/9/00 8:16:04 PM
Not so fast - emergency overload. 7/9/00 10:00:56 PM
Driving attitudes are reckless at best. 7/9/00 10:25:08 PM
How does crash risk change as a function of driver experience using car phones? Does risk drop or increase? Does this generalizes to other in-vehicle technologies? 7/10/00 12:54:04 PM
Study based on simulation 7/11/00 12:05:56 AM
simulation valid? 7/11/00 3:16:43 AM
M chips exist for some navigation systems 7/11/00 8:45:24 PM
A Researchers Tool Bag, How to Measure & Define the Distraction Problem 7/12/00 6:14:40 PM
Ban Them While Driving! 7/13/00 2:20:27 PM
Cell Phones vs: Loud Pipes 7/13/00 4:03:10 PM
How many fatal accidents before cell phone use while driving is banned? 7/13/00 9:08:13 PM
Single handed parking lot manuevers. 7/13/00 11:45:28 PM
Common Sense 7/14/00 1:44:25 AM
Many sources of distraction 7/14/00 8:29:54 AM
Test situation... 7/14/00 9:18:28 AM
Police talk on the while they drive around on duty! 7/14/00 9:30:24 AM
Police talk on the phone while they drive around on duty! 7/14/00 9:31:07 AM
Cell Phone 7/14/00 9:56:46 AM
Distraction and the repurcussions of banning car cell phone use 7/14/00 10:03:26 AM
Multi-tasking Driving 7/14/00 12:33:51 PM
Get over yourselves - Take Responsibility! 7/14/00 12:47:35 PM
agree 7/14/00 12:48:04 PM
States' Rights 7/14/00 12:56:42 PM
HOW TRUE THIS IS 7/14/00 1:43:14 PM
What constitutes need? 7/14/00 1:53:01 PM
You've got to be kidding 7/14/00 2:09:01 PM
Let's focus on practical solutions. 7/14/00 2:44:04 PM
response to the ads are frightening 7/14/00 3:03:55 PM
Talking on the cell phone with both hands on the wheel 7/14/00 5:07:55 PM
Terrified 7/14/00 5:43:06 PM
How about training motorists to DRIVE first, then worry about cellphones. 7/14/00 5:49:49 PM
not paying attention 7/14/00 7:13:46 PM
Max features on HUD 7/14/00 8:39:38 PM
It's easy to blame. 7/14/00 9:36:11 PM
Personal Responsibility is the Issue 7/14/00 10:35:37 PM
should be illegal to use while driving 7/15/00 12:39:22 AM
Driver-friendly technology is solution 7/15/00 9:18:40 AM
We have DUI laws to punish irresponsible drinkers, what are we doing about irresponsible cell-phone users? 7/15/00 12:11:30 PM
Distraction Associated With Cell Phones 7/15/00 12:24:19 PM
Banned usem not necessary 7/15/00 3:36:53 PM
Banned use not necessary 7/15/00 3:37:05 PM
Cell phone Drivers??????? 7/15/00 4:33:44 PM
Sadly it will take.... 7/15/00 4:47:00 PM
Think About What You Believe 7/15/00 8:09:52 PM
You Miss the Whole Point if You Think Cell Phones Should be Banned 7/15/00 8:29:04 PM
There should be research into all distractions (such as putting on make-up), not just technological devices. 7/15/00 10:12:56 PM
Cell Phones- Feds Should Pass Legislation Requiring Hands-Free Technology for Those who Talk and Drive 7/16/00 11:21:00 AM
Time to Act!!! 7/16/00 11:56:57 AM
BOTH hands on the wheel 7/16/00 2:29:11 PM
Commercial Trucks & Phones 7/16/00 6:30:22 PM
Hands free systems also need voice recognition to dial phones 7/16/00 8:00:53 PM
Isn't It Obvious? 7/16/00 8:38:51 PM
From A Commercial Truck Driver... 7/16/00 2230 7/16/00 10:53:23 PM
Eating fries are more dangerous! 7/17/00 12:09:00 AM
Raging at Spouses 7/17/00 9:57:05 AM
Raging at Spouses 7/17/00 9:57:44 AM
IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!! 7/17/00 1:00:16 PM
Close calls 7/17/00 1:10:43 PM
Close calls 7/17/00 1:17:34 PM
Distractions other than Cell Phones 7/18/00 5:30:35 AM
cell phones versus bicyclist 7/18/00 6:24:57 AM
Driving While Talking Shown to be asDangerous as Driving Drunk? Not! 7/18/00 7:49:27 AM
Saving Lives 7/18/00 10:53:43 AM
Agree that cell phones are not the only distractions that cause poor driving performance but they may be the most serious 7/18/00 11:30:50 AM
Sensible limitations on cell-phone use while driving 7/18/00 11:33:35 AM
New laws not needed to curb in-car device use while driving 7/18/00 3:15:36 PM
modern conveniences 7/18/00 3:36:53 PM
Keep both hands on the wheel 7/18/00 4:04:44 PM
Re: Pull over or get off the phone!! 7/18/00 4:33:23 PM
The rich once again obviously rule. 7/18/00 5:13:49 PM
Cell Phones: Children are victims too!!!!! 7/18/00 5:15:55 PM
Don't Run Over Me 7/18/00 5:17:28 PM
Cellphone Use is Dangerous 7/18/00 5:18:25 PM
My goodness. 7/18/00 5:34:12 PM
cell phone user agrees cell phone use is dangerous 7/18/00 5:53:08 PM
Completely agree--Cell phones and Driving Don't Mix! 7/18/00 5:59:31 PM
Countless Close Calls In Honolulu 7/18/00 6:05:48 PM
Hands-Free Technology 7/18/00 7:00:00 PM
Finally, someone with sense! 7/18/00 7:05:04 PM
The United States Government? 7/18/00 7:29:34 PM
Hands Free options keep drivers alert 7/18/00 7:33:17 PM
Get off of my case!! 7/18/00 7:35:49 PM
Who ever dials a phone while driving? 7/18/00 7:50:07 PM
In Total Agreement 7/18/00 8:07:59 PM
Get Off My Case ----- Typical of Cell Phone Users 7/18/00 8:19:58 PM
u are wrong 7/18/00 8:21:54 PM
Most Drivers Shouldn't be Behind the Wheel Let Alone Using a Phone 7/18/00 8:24:33 PM
Hang up and drive 7/18/00 8:39:21 PM
lateral vision cell obstruction & tinted windows 7/18/00 9:19:10 PM
ten four, oops I'm dating... 7/18/00 9:23:06 PM
Cars are for Driving 7/18/00 9:36:49 PM
I would be dead if... 7/18/00 9:38:22 PM
How do you think people did your job 10 to 15 years ago??? 7/18/00 9:42:38 PM
you're one of the few... 7/18/00 10:00:39 PM
I agree... 7/18/00 10:10:41 PM
AWWW 7/18/00 10:16:01 PM
Yeah, IT IS BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE 7/18/00 10:28:46 PM
Should we also ban standard transmissions? And car radios? And drive-through windows? These all require one hand off the wheel. 7/18/00 10:29:56 PM
True, but isn't this just hearings and speeches into the matter 7/18/00 10:36:54 PM
You're right... PARTLY. Now Try this experiment!!! 7/18/00 10:48:08 PM
Read the post im referring too... Another user admitting to be distracted while driving!!! 7/18/00 11:00:27 PM
Yes new laws are needed 7/18/00 11:19:31 PM
Another person partly right... 7/18/00 11:28:59 PM
Missing the ISSUE here... God and your in Goverment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/18/00 11:36:10 PM
Driving While Talking Shown to be asDangerous as Driving Drunk? Not! AHHH!!! BUT wait and read on... 7/18/00 11:51:53 PM
Don't worry, we're trying to ban cigarettes too!!! 7/18/00 11:56:42 PM
Cell Phone Use by Drivers Can Save Lives Too! 7/19/00 4:30:51 AM
Cell phones and driver education! 7/19/00 4:53:37 AM
Cell Phones: Pull over or get off of the Phone!! 7/19/00 5:11:35 AM
50/50 7/19/00 7:38:21 AM
Too many phones and a lot of other bad behaviour as well 7/19/00 8:53:18 AM
Cell phone conversations versus passenger conversations 7/19/00 9:07:06 AM
But they say we can... 7/19/00 9:08:07 AM
Cell phones, bad drivers, and the rule of law. 7/19/00 9:15:13 AM
Does safety improve with voice activated, hands-free technologies? 7/19/00 9:31:10 AM
Cell Phone Use in Moving Vehicles Must Be Banned 7/19/00 9:34:24 AM
Wearable heads-up wireless computer display 7/19/00 9:46:56 AM
2 Pennies from across the Net 7/19/00 9:54:55 AM
Reminiscent of Nazi Germany 7/19/00 10:37:18 AM
Think outside the metal box, too! 7/19/00 10:49:11 AM
Does anyone else remember the CB radio craze of the 70's? 7/19/00 10:57:55 AM
Basic Respect 7/19/00 11:01:17 AM
Cell Phones 7/19/00 11:01:17 AM
I agree!!! 7/19/00 11:03:09 AM
yea but 7/19/00 11:03:45 AM
Cell phones 7/19/00 11:08:36 AM
Cell-Phones designed for safety 7/19/00 11:15:57 AM
I see it all the time 7/19/00 11:22:39 AM
Bad Driving period 7/19/00 11:22:41 AM
As dangerous as DUI! 7/19/00 11:24:09 AM
Nazi? 7/19/00 11:28:22 AM
Cell phones with vehicle connection 7/19/00 11:58:31 AM
Cell Phones are not the demon 7/19/00 11:58:40 AM
Study:Cell Phones and Driving vs. Drinking and Driving 7/19/00 11:59:42 AM
Enforcement of all traffic laws would be a good first step 7/19/00 12:04:43 PM
cellphone use while driving 7/19/00 12:47:28 PM
Right on, Amy! 7/19/00 12:49:16 PM
What are they thinking?? 7/19/00 1:06:07 PM
And Ban Radios too!!! 7/19/00 1:37:55 PM
Hang It Up 7/19/00 1:42:51 PM
Re: Right on, Amy! 7/19/00 1:44:18 PM
Check out the Poll Responses 7/19/00 2:38:39 PM
A motorcyclist's perspective. 7/19/00 2:42:34 PM
A motorcyclist's perspective. 7/19/00 2:42:34 PM
Taking care of the cellphone problem on your own. 7/19/00 2:50:36 PM
Nothing is that important 7/19/00 2:54:17 PM
Cell Phones & Driving do not mix 7/19/00 4:13:40 PM
Please Get a Hands Free Phone or Hands Free Phone Hook Up 7/19/00 6:16:14 PM
Vacant Drivers' Glassy Eyed Stares 7/19/00 8:34:53 PM
RE: Vacant drivers threaten bicyclists as well as motorcyclists 7/20/00 7:35:05 AM
Careless drivers risk the lives of cyclists and pedestrians 7/20/00 8:21:05 AM
In response to "check out the polls" 7/20/00 12:41:19 PM
In response to "check out the polls" correction 7/20/00 12:43:35 PM
Education not legislation 7/20/00 12:52:23 PM
Distractions 7/20/00 1:02:56 PM
or lack of perspective 7/20/00 1:18:58 PM
Cell Phone Drunks 7/20/00 2:19:48 PM
The One and Only Responsibility 7/20/00 2:37:58 PM
Freedom 7/20/00 3:45:13 PM
Cell phone distraction 7/20/00 4:31:52 PM
Pull over or get off the phone 7/20/00 4:40:49 PM
Pull over or get off the phone 7/20/00 4:59:26 PM
Judgement vice Device Regulation vice Design 7/20/00 5:04:12 PM
distraction - vacant drivers 7/20/00 5:10:10 PM
RE: Does anyone else remember the CB radio craze of the 70's 7/20/00 6:05:51 PM
Risk may be reduced but not eliminated 7/20/00 6:23:10 PM
Would not the universal application of speech recognition technology allow the safe dialing of numbers via cell phone while driving? 7/21/00 7:24:35 AM
MOTORCYCLES!!! 7/21/00 9:59:50 AM
Freedom? 7/21/00 11:56:54 AM
That's because it's not a law yet. 7/21/00 12:09:29 PM
Re: Freedom? 7/21/00 12:17:36 PM
Draconian Inforcement 7/21/00 1:33:40 PM
Cell phones are dangerous and should be banned while driving! 7/21/00 2:35:02 PM
RE:Cell phones are dangerous and should be banned while driving! 7/21/00 6:17:42 PM
RE:Cell phones are dangerous and should be banned while driving! 7/21/00 6:18:20 PM
High School Girl Killed By Drunken Stoned Driver Distracted By Cell Phone 7/21/00 7:28:42 PM
Cell Phone Distrations 7/21/00 8:33:39 PM
DISTRACTION: Failure To Concentrate And/Or Failure To Be Responsible. 7/21/00 9:48:17 PM
Police talk on the phone while they drive 7/21/00 10:35:33 PM
get a life. 7/22/00 11:51:42 AM
re: Cell Phone Distractions! 7/22/00 12:48:36 PM
Rather save a life! 7/22/00 1:02:44 PM
Amen to Ted! 7/22/00 2:18:52 PM
Distracted drivers do kill pedestrians 7/22/00 8:33:51 PM
re: get a life 7/22/00 8:34:35 PM
re: freedom 7/22/00 8:51:57 PM
re:Cell Phones - What's more important? 7/22/00 9:05:30 PM
Remember Why the Car was Invented? 7/22/00 9:26:41 PM
Cell Phones and Computers 7/22/00 10:30:03 PM
Good Points but... 7/23/00 11:11:17 AM
You're right, to a degree... 7/23/00 11:57:03 AM
Your'e missing the point 7/23/00 1:38:49 PM
Your'e missing the point 7/23/00 1:41:21 PM
Don't need a new law; the problem is with the drivers! 7/23/00 6:38:08 PM
Short Sighted 7/24/00 6:29:40 AM
Where are all the crashes? (see detailed question below) 7/24/00 7:19:12 AM
What distraction to ban ! 7/24/00 9:57:33 AM
Governing the masses 7/24/00 12:35:18 PM
All drivers (including myself) are distracted when talking on a cell phone 7/24/00 2:13:42 PM
All drivers (including myself) are distracted when talking on a cell phone 7/24/00 2:13:47 PM
I was a victim of cell phone use in car 7/24/00 2:15:32 PM
Should be made illegal!!! 7/24/00 5:39:58 PM
RE: What distraction to ban 7/25/00 10:17:13 AM
RE: Don't need a law; the problem is with the drivers 7/25/00 12:08:39 PM
Cell Phones 7/25/00 2:15:46 PM
please hang up 7/25/00 3:34:37 PM
History in the Making 7/25/00 7:25:43 PM
Opposite of Major Opinion 7/25/00 9:20:39 PM
Over regulation 7/25/00 9:21:18 PM
RE: Over regulation 7/26/00 8:51:43 AM
RE: Opposite of Major Oppinion 7/26/00 9:25:01 AM
RE: History in the making 7/26/00 9:56:07 AM
Measured Freedom. 7/26/00 4:57:14 PM
Distractions 7/26/00 6:54:43 PM
He's obviously a jerk 7/26/00 7:58:40 PM
Cell Phones 7/26/00 8:10:55 PM
People should be capable of doing multiple tasks 7/26/00 8:18:21 PM
Distraction in the first two minutes of the call 7/26/00 9:14:59 PM
RE: People should be capable of doing multiple tasks 7/27/00 2:30:30 PM
Everything you should know about talking and driving 7/27/00 3:25:16 PM
Cell phones are a small portion of what you should be concerned about. 7/27/00 4:07:26 PM
RE: Cell phones are a small portion of what you should be concerned about 7/28/00 9:03:15 AM
Using a HUD Head-up Display with phone, internet etc. 7/28/00 12:40:53 PM
untitled; 7/30/00 12:07:26 AM
untitled;again 7/30/00 1:31:21 AM
Threat by cell usage in the US and Europe 7/30/00 11:14:13 AM
"We don't all do it" 7/30/00 11:54:49 AM
Your comments are a distraction. 7/30/00 11:25:37 PM
Wireless companies know legislation is coming 7/31/00 1:29:02 AM
What impact has cell phone use in Japan had on accident rates, and what steps, if any, has the government taken to improve safety? 7/31/00 6:33:42 AM
Yes, let's do focus on (key word) PRACTICAL solutions 7/31/00 8:42:43 AM
Cell Phones - Hands Free Attachments/Accessories 7/31/00 9:41:47 AM
RE: "We don't all do it" 7/31/00 10:44:57 AM
speed/distraction/miles traveled 7/31/00 2:14:34 PM
If you can't drive safely... DON'T! 7/31/00 3:44:14 PM
A Costly Price for Experience 8/1/00 7:07:25 AM
Ban Cigarette Smoking & Eating TOO 8/1/00 9:14:16 AM
A solution to prevent 100% of ALL car accidents...... 8/2/00 4:29:57 PM
Voice control instead of visual/manual, but not quite far enough . . . 8/3/00 8:45:47 AM
Another Safety Nazi!!! 8/3/00 12:33:58 PM
Commercial Trucks & Phones 7/16/00 6:30:22 PM 8/3/00 3:36:38 PM Submitted Anonymously Private Citizen
Refering to: Commercial Trucks & Phones
I wanted to comment on the post "Commercial Trucks & Phones 7/16/00 6:30:22 PM", especially because of the fact that I saw the results of the accident that was described in that post.
I was leaving work on the afternoon of 6/08/98 when I passed the accident scene mentioned in the above post. I was traveling in the opposite direction at the time on a road with a median in between the two roadways. I usually DO NOT rubberneck accident scenes, preferring to keep my attention focused on the traffic that poses the most immediate threat. For some reason though I looked over at the scene of this one as I passed by it.
A large commercial truck had slammed into the car ahead of it with enough force to accordion the trunk of the car all the way forward into the front seat area. In fact, the front of the truck itself was sitting on top of all that mangled metal with the front bumper of the truck in about the location that the steering wheel of the car would have been located, had it not been repositioned by the impact. The car had been pushed forward by the impact into the vehicle ahead of it and because of that the car's front end was shoved back almost halfway to the windshield.
I only looked over at it for about a second, and what I saw was enough for me to have no doubt in my mind that whoever was in that car was dead, of that fact there was no doubt in my mind.
There were several people already getting out of their cars on the accident side of the road to render assistance and there was no apparent need for me to pull over to help, even if there was a safe place for me to pull over. A month previous to this accident I had stopped to help the driver of a car in Pa. who had just broken a telephone pole into two halves with her car. She was bloody and unconscious at the scene, but survived with no long term injuries ( as I understand from the news reports about that accident ).
With the memory of that scene still pretty fresh in my mind, I had no desire to stop for this one. If I had thought that by stopping and lending a hand I could have helped the victims I would have, but I had no desire to view what I believed would be nothing but bloody death. There were already plenty of people stopping to help, so I drove on.
I don't know if it was because I did not stop to help (even if my help was not needed) or if it was for some other reason, but I was somewhat haunted by that accident for a while. I asked a coworker the next day if she knew anything about the accident from the night before ( it happened about a half a mile from where we work), and she told me that all she knew about it was from a news report on the radio that evening.
She told me that the driver of the car involved had been finally extracted from the car and taken by Medivac Helicopter to the Shock Trauma unit at a nearby hospital.
I was absolutely amazed that the driver had survived after what I had seen.
About a month later my phone rang at work. It was a call from a longtime friend of mine. She was calling from the hospital, where she told me she had been since June 8th. She had been the driver of the car in the accident above.
I was completely flabbergasted..........
That car was so mangled that I didn't even recognize it as her car.
It turned out to be a good thing that I did not stop to help, because if I had stopped and realized who was driving that car I don't know what I might have done to the driver of a truck that was so preoccupied with his cell phone that he did not even see two lanes of stopped traffic about 10-15 vehicles deep at the red light up ahead of him. As I understand it, he was doing at least 40 MPH and never even touched the brakes before the collision occurred.
To make things worse, that section of road provides a straight, clear and unobstructed view for a good 1/2 mile or more before that traffic light. If he had been watching the road instead of being distracted by that cell phone, my friend would not have been put through the two years of hell that she has gone through so far, with no idea if or when she may get back to normal again.
I see people driving while talking on cell phones all the time, and they are some of the worst drivers I see. That truck driver did serious damage to another because of the cell phone, and there are plenty more idiots out there like him.
As far as I am concerned, a cell phone should be used by the driver of a moving vehicle ONLY in an EMERGENCY !!!
RE: Another Safety Nazi!!! 8/4/00 10:40:56 AM
Too many close calls 8/5/00 8:31:56 AM
There is a simple answer 8/5/00 8:36:35 AM
Hands-free as minimum restriction for driver 8/5/00 8:54:49 AM
I agree - examples: 8/6/00 9:12:29 AM
Do we have laws already on the books? 8/6/00 9:28:22 AM
private or police issue 8/6/00 7:35:14 PM
Women are NOT the Problem 8/7/00 6:51:25 PM
Cell Phone Idiots ! ! 8/7/00 9:04:35 PM
RE: There is a simple answer 8/7/00 9:09:43 PM
One "Tool" at a time 8/7/00 10:04:32 PM
Yes, Eating or talking is equally dangerous 8/7/00 10:24:49 PM
One or Two Minutes ? 8/7/00 10:41:15 PM
Idaho`s Government ? 8/7/00 11:56:50 PM
Reply to : Who ever dials while driving? 8/8/00 12:12:07 AM
age of test subjects 8/8/00 12:20:32 AM
Cell Phones 8/8/00 7:28:49 AM
Education for use of cell phones by 16 yr. olds. 8/8/00 10:10:37 PM
Speak now or forever hold your peace and hope these Idiots do end your life 8/8/00 10:41:14 PM
Speak now or forever hold your peace and hope these Idiots do NOT end your life 8/8/00 10:42:45 PM
RE: Finally, someone with sense! 8/8/00 11:34:59 PM
Situation Awareness and Driving 8/9/00 11:48:42 AM
Victim of a cell phone? 8/9/00 12:05:32 PM
I see examples EVERY day during my commute. 8/9/00 3:29:14 PM
Laws are not the answer 8/9/00 10:18:41 PM
I agree, but 8/9/00 10:33:50 PM
First to market wins 8/9/00 10:48:07 PM
The Buddy System: Being courteous and letting someone else take the lead when talking and driving 8/10/00 10:22:57 AM
Other lives are at risk! 8/10/00 10:39:14 AM
Yes!! -- Re -- There is a simple answer 8/10/00 10:41:42 AM
Tending to children, especially to babies in distress; an accident waitong to happen 8/10/00 11:19:42 AM
Cell Phone Drivers do not re-act 8/10/00 12:30:12 PM
Save a Life 8/10/00 1:17:59 PM
RE: Victim of a cell phone? 8/10/00 11:58:51 PM
RE: Yes!!--Re--There is a simple answer 8/11/00 4:18:52 PM
RE: The Buddy System:Being courteous and letting someone else take the lead when talking and driving 8/11/00 5:26:07 PM