Papers, polls, Q&A items, and comments on this page are oriented to topics and issues associated with the methods and techniques used to measure driver distraction. Feel free to post comments on issues outlined below, or in response to papers, polls, and/or questions submitted to our expert panel. These discussions are meant to emphasize questions of scientific rigor for research and evaluation efforts. A moderator has been assigned to periodically synthesize comments, keep discussions focused and moving, emphasize key points, and offer additional insights into related issues.
Methods, Measures & Tools
- How can driver distraction be safely and rigorously studied in normal driving? How valid are studies that use test tracks, simulators, or laboratory methods?
- What measures (dependent variables) are meaningful indices of driver distraction? How do these relate to roadway safety outcomes?
- What technologies (e.g., physiological monitoring), devices (e.g., eye trackers), or analytic techniques (e.g., steering control inputs) can be used to capture measures of distraction?
- Are there good models that allow you to predict the distracting effects or crash risks associated with a particular distractor?
- What, if any, mechanisms are needed to aid in the investigation of technology related crashes and what tools are needed to support these efforts?
Research Needs
- What are the important unanswered questions relating to the scientific measurement of driver distraction? Where should research resources be directed?
Content Available In Each Topic Area
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Methods, Measures & Tools |
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Research Needs |
NHTSA Driver Distraction Research: Past, Present, and Future 7/6/00 3:40:10 PM
Need for research into driver training/recertification programs and their effect on driver performance/distraction 7/12/00 8:48:16 PM
review any existing military research on vehicle operations 7/15/00 8:54:54 PM
There should be research into all distractions (such as putting on make-up), not just technological devices. 7/15/00 10:06:37 PM Submitted Anonymously Private Citizen
For completeness, studies of distraction should study all types of distractions, and not presume that technological devices are the only distractions in automobiles. Any time the operator diverts some of his or her attention away from driving can be considered a "distraction". Therefore, any studies of cell phone usage on your driving abilities, should be compared and contrasted against other distractions. These studies should and must incude the following activities and their propensity to increase the risk of accidents: - using a C.B. radio while driving a Big-rig truck. - trying to read a map while going 60mph on the highway. - women putting on make-up while they drive their cars. - reaching back to give a toddler in a car seat a bottle, while going 60mph on the highway. - turning around to tell your kids in the back seat to shut up because they're screaming so loud and you cannot concentrate, while going 60mph on the highway. - eating a BigMac while going 60mph on the highway. - trying to put ketchup on your french fries while going 60mph on the highway - spilling a hot cup of cofee on your crotch while going 60 mph on the highway. - looking for the Dobbie-Brother Greatest Hits CD in the glove box while going 60mph on the highway. - and of course, performing some sort of sexual act while driving.
More Distraction 7/17/00 1:37:00 PM
The needs 7/21/00 12:57:25 AM
Research 7/21/00 1:03:02 AM
Cell Head / Air Head 7/28/00 12:35:36 PM