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Papers, polls, Q&A items, and comments on this page are oriented to topics and issues associated with alternatives for controlling the design or use of in-vehicle technologies. Feel free to post comments on issues outlined below, or in response to papers, polls, and/or questions submitted to our expert panel. A moderator has been assigned to periodically synthesize comments, keep discussions focused and moving, emphasize key points, and offer additional insights into related issues.


Regulations & Enforcement

  • Should there be restrictions on the conditions under which a driver can use a technology? Should such restrictions be controlled through the design of the device or regulations on driver behavior?
  • How effective are reckless driving laws in preventing crashes related to driver distraction?
  • Are there effective methods to enforce regulations on use?
Safety Principles and Industry Practices
  • Are existing principles and industry practices providing adequate controls (e.g., European Commission Statement of Principles, Japanese JAMA Guidelines, Proposed SAE 15 Second Rule)?
  • Is there a need for formal standards on the design or use of in-vehicle technologies? In what areas?
Research Needs
  • What are the important unanswered questions regarding regulations, guidelines, and enforcement? What knowledge gaps need to be filled in order to develop appropriate guidelines or regulations? How effective are these sorts of controls?


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Regulations & Enforcement
             51comments   1   
Safety Principles and Industry Practices
   Development of Safety Principles for In-Vehicle Information and Communication Systems   5/31/00 1:11:58 PM

   What revisions would NHTSA like to see made to SAE's so called "15 second rule" proposed recommended practice?   7/27/00 6:20:27 AM

   Driver distraction in the European statement of principles on in-vehicle HMI: a comment   7/28/00 12:38:32 PM

comments   Cellphone Companies, Liable???   8/1/00 8:08:08 PM

comments   RE: Cellphone Companies, Liable???    8/2/00 10:28:39 AM

Refering to: Cellphone Companies, Liable???

Interesting point. In a similar situation a number of cities are suing handgun manufactureres because of people killed accidentally by handguns. Seems like the cat is out of the bag on this already. I would think cities/towns could sue cell phone companies for supplying phones to people to use in an obviously hazardous environment. More people are killed by drivers using their cell phones than by handguns. Looks like the precedent has been set, suing the cell phone companies for creating the hazard should be OK too.

comments   15-second rule ?   8/8/00 1:09:23 PM
Research Needs