This page is devoted to discussions regarding specific in-vehicle technologies: cell phones, navigation systems, night vision systems, wireless Internet, and information and entertainment systems, among others. The purpose is to provide an avenue for drivers to share their experiences with, and impressions of these technologies so that benefits of these systems can be realized without causing unsafe driver distraction. Although specific in-vehicle devices are emphasized here, comment and discussion relevant to other non-technological or conventional sources of distraction are also welcome. Be sure to take or view results of our informal polls.
Please tell us about your experience with these technologies…
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Cell Phones |
310 4 2 6 |
Navigation Systems |
43 1 2 3 |
Night Vision Systems |
22 |
Wireless Internet (E-mail) |
Speech-based Interaction with In-vehicle Computers: The Effect of Speech-based E-mail on Drivers’ Attention to the Roadway 5/31/00 11:52:26 AM
E-Distraction: The Challenges for Safe and Usable Internet Services in Vehicles 5/31/00 12:04:41 PM
Speech based E mail on drivers attention 7/6/00 1:42:05 PM
E distractions the challenges 7/6/00 2:02:33 PM
wireless internet (e-mail) 7/6/00 3:03:22 PM
Hmmmmm.... 7/11/00 7:36:53 AM
Talk and Drive 7/12/00 11:27:20 AM
talking to computers vs. talking to humans 7/12/00 12:49:01 PM
talking to computers vs. talking to humans 7/12/00 12:49:21 PM
This is an absolutely absurd idea 7/15/00 12:35:08 AM
You *can* safely use e-mail while traveling... 7/15/00 11:47:07 AM
Its a basic answer... 7/15/00 4:40:55 PM
Cars MUST be connected to the internet. 7/15/00 10:41:58 PM
voice controled emails 7/16/00 11:46:17 AM
Re: OnStar 7/17/00 4:26:21 PM
Outlaw this dangerous distraction 7/19/00 9:15:56 AM
Importance of life 7/19/00 10:54:48 AM
You're nuts! 7/19/00 11:01:06 AM
Time Waits for No one, nor do Emails 7/19/00 1:50:15 PM
RE: Outlaw this dangerous distraction 7/19/00 2:07:37 PM
Driver use is the problem, not passenger use 7/25/00 2:16:35 PM Bob Parsons Private Citizen
Refering to: RE: Outlaw this dangerous distraction
Charles, Nobody cares if a passenger checks their e-mail, combs their hair, brushes their teeth, or nukes dinner in a microwave oven. If the driver does these things, obviously THAT is where the problem is and it absolutely must be outlawed. That's right- made illegal, just like many activities that are dangerous or are not in the interest of public safety are illegal. This is the responsibility of government- to enact laws that protect the average citizen, like you and me- even if we don't like it. Without law, we would have people who think it's OK for anybody to do anything. You mentioned reckless drivers. Yes, they are bad enough to have on the road. Let me ask you a question. Who would you want to have tailgating you at 60 MPH in the left lane while you are boxed in in heavy traffic, a reckless driver or a reckless driver who is also reading their e-mail (or talking on a cell phone, or sending a FAX?) Are you getting the point?
The Future vs. the Past 7/25/00 7:28:38 PM
The Future vs. the Past 7/25/00 7:28:44 PM
Conversation 7/26/00 10:14:57 AM
No, You're nuts! Cars MUST be connected to the internet. 8/1/00 11:03:37 AM
WHY??? 8/5/00 9:00:13 AM
You're Nuts 8/8/00 11:18:09 AM
voice email 8/11/00 10:41:31 AM
RE: You're Nuts 8/12/00 1:27:31 AM
RE: Cars MUST be connected to the internet. 8/12/00 2:45:22 AM
RE: No Your Nuts! Cars MUST be connected to the internet 8/12/00 7:42:00 AM
Information & Entertainment Systems |
23 |
Other |
92 |