Papers, polls, Q&A items, and comments on this page are oriented to topics and issues associated with Benefits and Safety Risks of in-vehicle technologies. Feel free to post comments on issues outlined below, or in response to papers, polls, and/or questions submitted to our expert panel. Although discussions are meant to emphasize safety impacts associated with in-vehicle technological devices, comments relating to safety risks deriving from non-technological or traditional sources of distraction (e.g., eating, shaving, applying make-up, monitoring kids, etc) are also welcome. A moderator has been assigned to periodically synthesize comments, keep discussions focused and moving, emphasize key points, and offer additional insights into related issues.
Extent of Problem & Safety Risks
- To what extent is there a safety problem? Are problems limited to new users who are first learning to use the system, or are they more pervasive and wide spread?
- How can we maintain benefits without sacrificing safety?
- What can we expect to see in terms of impacts and how do we assess the appropriate level of safety risks from using in-vehicle technologies?
- Can we expect crash rates to increase as a result of in-vehicle technologies?
- How will these technologies affect individual’s ability to drive?
- Can drivers be trusted to regulate their use of these technologies – limiting their use to situations when it is presumed safe to operate.
- Will drivers become less cautious as they become routinely exposed to these technologies?
Research Needs
- What are the important unanswered questions relating to safety & benefits of in-vehicle technology. What research issues should we invest our time and resources studying?
Content Available In Each Topic Area
Paper |
Comment |
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Poll |
Extent of Problem & Safety Risks |
The Impact of Internal Distraction on Driver Visual Behavior 5/17/00 2:30:52 PM
The Influence of the Use of Mobile Phones on Driver Situation Awareness 5/17/00 2:31:00 PM
Issues in the Evaluation of Driver Distraction Associated with In-Vehicle Information and Telecommunications Systems 5/18/00 9:44:51 AM
Individual Differences and In-Vehicle Distraction While Driving: A Test Track Study and Psychometric Evaluation 5/18/00 10:35:38 AM
A Technical Platform for Driver Inattention Research 5/18/00 1:34:17 PM
In terms of safety, what type of distraction concerns you more?
Have you ever witnessed, or experienced a close call or crash resulting from a driver using a cellular phone or from your personal use with a cell phone?
How capable are drivers at making decisions about when it is safe to use technology while driving?
my own inability 7/6/00 8:21:30 AM
driving while inconversated 7/6/00 8:31:21 AM
honk honk honk! hang up the @#$%$#@ cell phone please! 7/6/00 8:40:13 AM
Driving is dangerous enough. 7/8/00 12:16:49 AM
More distractions? 7/8/00 9:24:29 AM Submitted Anonymously Private Citizen
It's bad enough now that drivers are distracted from attending to their driving responsibilities by the use of their cell phones. Allowing more technology to interfere with something that demands constant attention will only cause more injury, damage, and eventually grief and expense on American roads. Granted, technology is and has been a convenience to all, but too many distractions already exist on roads-- why give drivers more opportunities to stray? Would the FAA allow airline pilots to accept/send emails and be distracted WHILE they were in command (driving, essentially) of large aircraft, making critical decisions with 150-300 people sitting behind them? Someone has to use common sense here. Thanks.
more comments after reading studies 7/8/00 9:28:20 AM
Have you ever witnessed, or experienced a close call or crash resulting from a driver being distracted by something other than a cell phone? (e.g. reading a map, eating, personal grooming)
in-vehicle technology needs to be eliminated 7/13/00 10:17:06 PM
Hang-up and Drive 7/14/00 10:31:02 AM
General comments about distracted drivers 7/14/00 3:33:25 PM
Passenger airbags; forcing children, especially rear-facing infants to the back seat where they are responsible for crash causing driver distractions. 7/14/00 5:48:07 PM
Multitude of distractions 7/15/00 11:26:03 PM
Distraction Perspective 7/17/00 10:42:58 PM
Driving is Given Less Attention Than it Deserves 7/18/00 9:10:49 AM
Now that we know..... 7/18/00 9:15:10 AM
Lonely on the road 7/18/00 5:18:40 PM
cell phones 7/18/00 5:27:39 PM
Distractions 7/18/00 8:09:55 PM
Latest attempt to legislate common sense at the expense of freedom 7/18/00 9:21:39 PM
Children in the back seat 7/18/00 10:27:26 PM
Benefits are minimal; not worth the risks 7/19/00 10:20:19 AM
Comment on "Benefits are minimal..." 7/19/00 5:07:26 PM
Benefits---I am not convinced 7/20/00 10:42:30 AM
There is a solution - it's called the train 7/20/00 12:34:16 PM
The *real* problem 7/21/00 11:52:59 AM
What about other in-vehicle technologies? 7/21/00 5:24:54 PM
The scope of "distractions" needs to be cast much wider 7/21/00 9:35:32 PM
Trained drivers susceptible to distraction? (See detailed question below) 7/25/00 8:56:18 AM
oh dear its you we should watch for 7/26/00 10:13:43 AM
Driver Training 7/26/00 12:45:19 PM
Engage brain before putting mouth into gear 7/27/00 1:17:58 PM
comment on: Benefits---I am not convinced 8/1/00 9:57:07 AM
RE: oh dear its you we should watch for 8/3/00 7:06:56 AM
Map Readfing while driving 8/3/00 7:25:10 AM
RE: Latest attempt to legislate common sense at the expense of freedom 8/3/00 7:59:16 AM
Referring to: cell phones 8/3/00 8:54:22 AM
RE: Greg Knight's comment 8/3/00 10:14:11 AM
Technology Related Distraction & Crashes (see detailed question below) 8/3/00 10:28:09 AM
Comment on: RE: Greg Knight's comment 8/3/00 12:35:46 PM
Have you been to Westport, CT? 8/5/00 9:25:19 PM
RE: Lonely on the road 8/7/00 11:30:54 AM
driver awareness 8/8/00 10:04:57 AM
Think about it 8/8/00 2:58:44 PM
911? 8/8/00 3:12:11 PM
Critical Input: Headway to vehicle in front 8/8/00 4:46:30 PM
Riding my bike home from work 8/8/00 10:26:39 PM
Infants in the back seat 8/10/00 11:10:47 AM
RE: 911? 8/10/00 12:08:03 PM
Human element cannot be minimized by technology 8/10/00 9:57:59 PM
One size does not fit all 8/11/00 2:27:09 PM
Research Needs |