Papers, polls, Q&A items, and comments on this page are oriented to topics and issues associated with alternatives for controlling the design or use of in-vehicle technologies. Feel free to post comments on issues outlined below, or in response to papers, polls, and/or questions submitted to our expert panel. A moderator has been assigned to periodically synthesize comments, keep discussions focused and moving, emphasize key points, and offer additional insights into related issues.
Regulations & Enforcement
- Should there be restrictions on the conditions under which a driver can use a technology? Should such restrictions be controlled through the design of the device or regulations on driver behavior?
- How effective are reckless driving laws in preventing crashes related to driver distraction?
- Are there effective methods to enforce regulations on use?
Safety Principles and Industry Practices
- Are existing principles and industry practices providing adequate controls (e.g., European Commission Statement of Principles, Japanese JAMA Guidelines, Proposed SAE 15 Second Rule)?
- Is there a need for formal standards on the design or use of in-vehicle technologies? In what areas?
Research Needs
- What are the important unanswered questions regarding regulations, guidelines, and enforcement? What knowledge gaps need to be filled in order to develop appropriate guidelines or regulations? How effective are these sorts of controls?
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Regulations & Enforcement |
Should States or local governments enact laws to restrict the use of cell phones while driving?
How hard is enforcement? 7/10/00 1:21:31 PM
Appropriate technologies in motor vehicles 7/11/00 12:35:23 AM
History shows common sense is politically inncorrect 7/13/00 3:17:53 PM
We need to enforce the laws we have, not legislate new ones... 7/18/00 9:21:33 AM
Rebuttal 7/18/00 9:33:38 AM
More laws! Oh Boy! 7/18/00 10:01:10 AM
More rebuttal 7/18/00 4:05:36 PM
I see cell phone users breaking existing laws EVERY DAY 7/18/00 4:06:09 PM
Public Awareness Training will be Ignored 7/18/00 4:42:57 PM
Effective Safety Practices 7/18/00 5:22:54 PM
DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!! 7/18/00 5:51:28 PM
DITTO 7/18/00 5:55:25 PM
Time is Money 7/18/00 5:57:49 PM
DITTO 7/18/00 6:01:54 PM
It's the Driver's Responsibility 7/18/00 6:44:23 PM
Like wearing a seatbelt? 7/18/00 8:21:37 PM
Simple Solution 7/18/00 10:36:44 PM
Just say no to new laws 7/19/00 6:46:13 AM
Highways are public facilities. We can regulate them as necessary for safe use. 7/19/00 10:01:28 AM
Selfish CFUs (cell phone users) 7/19/00 10:21:06 AM
I agree 7/19/00 10:25:24 AM
Time is NOT money!!! 7/19/00 10:29:36 AM
What about mascara? 7/19/00 11:54:01 AM
What about non-drivers! Time is BIG MONEY! 7/19/00 3:26:16 PM
What about non-drivers! Time is BIG MONEY! 7/19/00 3:29:25 PM
Comment on "What about non-drivers..." 7/19/00 4:26:18 PM
Off-Topic: Road Safety in general 7/19/00 4:54:33 PM
Wild, Wild West 7/19/00 5:55:51 PM
Slow down and read 7/20/00 11:07:41 AM
Right on!!! 7/20/00 2:30:12 PM
Motivating people to drive safely 7/23/00 9:43:35 PM
Enforcement 7/26/00 1:02:55 PM
BIG MONEY 7/26/00 1:16:15 PM
Re enforcement in collisions 7/26/00 9:19:23 PM
Re "reckless driving" statutes 7/26/00 9:23:29 PM
Re what about non-drivers 7/26/00 9:28:53 PM
re what about... 7/26/00 9:32:37 PM
Distracted Drivers 7/26/00 9:39:39 PM
RE: Distracted Drivers 7/27/00 7:17:46 PM
Non-moving Violations 7/29/00 5:36:26 PM
Attention: Reyn Mansson 7/30/00 8:35:10 PM
Whoa now! (Comment on: Attention: Reyn Mansson) 8/1/00 10:14:12 AM
RE: Just say no to new laws 8/2/00 8:40:13 AM
RE: What about non-drivers! Time is BIG MONEY! 8/2/00 9:19:30 AM
RE: Off-Topic: Road Safety in general 8/2/00 10:06:56 AM
cell phones 8/8/00 4:45:10 PM Submitted Anonymously Private Citizen
Refering to: History shows common sense is politically inncorrect
I REALLY LIKE THE IDEA THAT CAR CELL PHONES NOT BE ABLE TO WORK WHILE THE CAR IS RUNNING. GREAT IDEA!!!!! Or how about a law that a driver MUST PULL OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD UNTIL DONE SPEAKING ON THE PHONE - Then be able to pull back out in traffic. 99% of those on cell phones don't know if they are on foot or horseback while chatting/listening on the phone. A drivers attention should always be 100% on his driving and what is going on around him. Ever follow someone who is on a car phone? They have delayed reactions to everything!!! I am nervous when a driver in front of me is on a phone as they could easy involve me in an accident because they are not paying close attention to their driving, but even worse is when I check out my rear-view mirror and see the person behind me is on a phone!!! I tense up then as the chances of being 'rear-ended' have just increased dramatically!!! What's the difference between listening to a radio or passenger in your car as compared to a cell phone, you ask? You can stop listening to the radio any time and not feel you missed anything, as for your passinger, they can see what's ahead and why you stopped listening to them, but as for a cell phone, the driver is concentrating on THAT CONVERSATION and their driving then becomes SECOND in their mind, kind of like watching tv with the sound turned off . No matter how good a person feels they can 'handle' both driving and concentrating on a cell phone, only ONE can be FIRST in attention and having observed drivers on phones, the #1 priority is not their driving - - they do stupid stuff that endangers the rest of us and they don't even realize it!! They just keep on going , not realizing they just ran a red light (because the car on their left got the green arrow for a left turn and the person on the phone see's the car next to them move - - so they do the same, to keep up in traffic,OF COURSE!!! Meanwhile the guy across from him who has a 'green arrow' to make a left is doing a loop-de-loo trying to avoid hitting the jerk who goes on his merry way not realizing what has just happened. And while doing that loop-de-loop I almost get hit by that car who is trying to avoid the jerk on the cell phone that has no idea of what is REALLY going on in traffic!!!Car phones are GREAT for emergencies - - and should be used for just that!!! If a call is really THAT important, then why not pull over until the conversation is done and then pull back into traffic when the drivers FULL attention can be back on his driving. Some state had results from a study that showed drivers on cell-phones were FOUR TIMES MORE DANGEROUS THAN DRUNK DRIVERS!!! GREAT!!! We really need that on the road with us!!!Some states ARE passing laws that drivers must pull over and stop while on car-phones! GOOD FOR THEM! I wish it were the law in all of our great 50 states!!!! (passingers of course could use the car-phones anytime)We need laws to make the roads SAFER - not more 'toys' to distract the driver ( if the driver wants to play with the 'toys', make a law for him to have to pull over and out of traffic, then he can give the 'toy' his full attention and get the info etc. it is he is searching for.
simple soultion 8/8/00 4:57:47 PM
simple solutions 8/8/00 5:27:52 PM
you people are all thoughtless freaks 8/9/00 2:56:39 AM
RE: simple solutions 8/10/00 12:21:59 PM
Some Thoughts 8/11/00 10:30:27 AM
Safety Principles and Industry Practices |
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Research Needs |