Table ES.1. Description of the Databases Created for the Distraction Analysis
Table ES.2. Description of questionnaire and computer-based tests used for the 100-Car Study.
Table 1.1. Driver age and gender distributions.
Table 1.2. Actual miles driven during the study.
Table 1.3. Dependent variables used as event triggers.
Table 1.4. The total number of events reduced for each severity level.
Table 1.5. Operational Definitions for All Event Severity Levels
Table 1.6. Areas of data reduction, definition of the area, and examples.
Table 1.7. Description of the databases created for the inattention analysis.
Table 1.8. Percentage agreement with expert reductionists.
Table 1.9. Description of questionnaire and computer-based tests used for the 100-Car Study.
Table 2.1. Assignment of secondary tasks into three levels of manual/visual complexity.
Table 2.2. An example of a 2x2 contingency table that would be used to calculate inattention-related odds ratios.
Table 2.3. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence limit intervals to assess likelihood of at-fault-crash (N = 49) or near-crash (N = 439) involvement in driving-related inattention to the forward roadway.
Table 2.4. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals to assess likelihood of at-fault crash (N = 49) or near-crash (N = 439) involvement when engaging in driving inattention.
Table 2.5. Odds ratios point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals to assess the likelihood of crash (N= 49) or near-crash (N = 439) involvement when engaging in secondary tasks.
Table 2.6. Odds ratio calculations and 95 percent confidence intervals for “Passenger Present” for drivers who are younger and older than 20 years of age.
Table 2.7. Population attributable risk percentage point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for types of inattention and the specific secondary tasks.
Table 3.1. A detailed list of the environmental variable names, levels of each, and operational definition. 3
Table 3.2 The frequency of drowsiness- and secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded for each type of lighting level.
Table 3.3. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness by type of lighting.
Table 3.4. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks by type of lighting.
Table 3.5. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks by type of lighting.
Table 3.6. The frequency of drowsiness-related and secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded for each type of weather.
Table 3.7. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness by type of weather.
Table 3.8. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks by type of weather.
Table 3.9. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence limits for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks by type of weather.
Table 3.10. The frequency of secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded for each road type.
Table 3.11. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness by road type.
Table 3.12. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks by road type.
Table 3.13. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks by road type.
Table 3.14. The frequency of drowsiness and secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded for each type of roadway alignment.
Table 3.15. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness and roadway alignment.
Table 3.16. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks and roadway alignment.
Table 3.17. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks and roadway alignment.
Table 3.18. The frequency of secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded at each level of traffic density.
Table 3.19. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness and traffic density.
Table 3.20. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks and traffic density.
Table 3.21. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary task and traffic density.
Table 3.22. The frequency of drowsiness- and secondary-task-related epochs that occurred at each roadway surface condition level.
Table 3.23. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness and surface condition.
Table 3.24. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks and surface condition.
Table 3.25. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks and surface condition.
Table 3.26. The frequency of secondary-task-related crash and near-crash events and baseline epochs that were recorded for each type of traffic-control device.
Table 3.27. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness and each type of traffic-control device.
Table 3.28. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks and each type of traffic-control device.
Table 3.29. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks and each type of traffic-control device.
Table 3.30. The frequency of drowsiness- and secondary-task-related events and epochs that were recorded for each type of relation to junction.
Table 3.31. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness and each type of relation to junction.
Table 3.32. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary tasks and each type of relation to junction.
Table 3.33. Odds ratio point estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of moderate secondary tasks and each type of relation to junction.
Table 4.1. Description of questionnaire and computer-based tests used for 100-Car Study.
Table 4.2. Descriptive statistics on drivers labeled “high involvement” and “low involvement” in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes.
Table 4.3. Driver self-reported demographic data summary.
Table 4.4. Test battery names and scores.
Table 4.5. Life Stress Inventory descriptive statistics.
Table 4.6. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the driver stress factor scale of aggression.
Table 4.7. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the driver stress factor scale of dislike of driving.
Table 4.8. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the driver stress factor scale of hazard monitoring.
Table 4.9. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the driver stress factor scale of fatigue proneness.
Table 4.10. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the driver stress factor scale of thrill-seeking.
Table 4.11. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the Dula Dangerous Driving Scale for Dula Dangerous Driving Index.
Table 4.12. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the Dula Dangerous Driving Scale Negative Emotional Driving Index.
Table 4.13. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the Dula Dangerous Driving Scale Aggressive Driving.
Table 4.14. Descriptive statistics on the drivers with high and low involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes for the Dula Dangerous Driving Scale Risky Driving.
Table 4.15. Descriptive statistics for the drivers with low and high involvement in inattention–related crashes and near-crashes for the Channel Capacity Score.
Table 4.16. Descriptive statistics for the drivers with low and high involvement in inattention–related crashes and near-crashes for the Preventable Crash Risk.
Table 4.17. Descriptive statistics for the drivers with low and high involvement in inattention–related crashes and near-crashes for the Expected Number of Moving Violations.
Table 4.18. Descriptive statistics for the drivers with low and high involvement in inattention–related crashes and near-crashes for the Expected Seatbelt Use.
Table 4.19. Descriptive statistics for the drivers with low and high involvement in inattention –related crashes and near-crashes for the UFOV.
Table 4.20. Correlation coefficients and probability values for the test batteries that obtained statistical significance.
Table 4.21. Descriptive statistics on drivers labeled “low involvement,” “moderate involvement,” and “high involvement” in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes.
Table 4.22. Results from the univariate analyses of driver involvement in inattention-related crashes and near-crashes.
Table 4.23. Correlation coefficients for all test battery questionnaires.
Table 4.24. Results from the logistic regression analysis.
Table 5.1. Description of questionnaire and computer-based tests used for 100-Car Study.
Table 5.2. The significant correlations between test battery, survey, and performance-based test scores to the frequency of inattention-related baseline epochs (N = 101).
Table 5.3. The significant correlations between test battery, survey, and performance-based test scores to the frequency of inattention-related crash and near-crash events (N = 101).
Table 6.1. Eyes off the forward roadway metrics.
Table 6.2. Odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for eyes off the forward roadway.
Table 6.3. Population attributable risk percentage ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for eyes off the forward roadway.
Table 6.4. Odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for eyes off forward roadway excluding eyeglances to center, right, and left rear-view mirrors.
Table 6.5. Population attributable risk percentage ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for eyes off the forward roadway excluding eyeglances to center, right, and left rear-view mirrors.
Table 6.6. T-test results for total time eyes off the forward roadway.
Table 6.7. Results from the Tukey post hoc T-Tests.
Table 7.1. Driving Performance Data Used in the Discrimnant Analysis.
Table 7.2 The safety surrogate measures that best discriminate between attentive and inattentive drivers.
Table 7.3. The percent of baseline epochs that the linear discriminant analysis model was successfully able to distinguish.
Table 8.1. Odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for all types of driving inattention where odds ratios were greater than 1.0.
Table 8.2. Odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of drowsiness by environmental conditions where odds ratios were greater than 1.0.
Table 8.3. Odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for the interaction of complex secondary task engagement and environmental variables where odds ratios were greater than 1.0.
Table 8.4. Odds Ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for Eyes Off Forward Roadway Excluding Eye Glances to Center, Right, and Left Rear-View Mirrors.
Table 8.5. The population attributable risk percentage ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for the types of driver inattention.
Table 8.6. Population attributable risk percentage ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals for eyes off forward roadway excluding eyeglances to center, right, and left rear-view mirrors.
Table A-1. Secondary tasks recorded during data reduction.
Table D-1. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Driver Age).
Table D-2. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Male Driver’s Age).
Table D-3. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Female Driver’s Age).
Table D-4. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Years of Driving Experience).
Table D-5. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Traffic Violations).
Table D-6. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Accidents).
Table D-7. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Ilnesses).
Table D-8. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Daytime Sleepiness Rating).
Table D-9. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Hours of Sleep).
Table D-10. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Life Stress Score).
Table D-11. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Table D-12. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Table D-13. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Table D-14. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Table D-15. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Table D-16. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness and the Dula Dangerous Driving Questionnaire.
Table D-17. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness the Dula Dangerous Driving Questionnaire.
Table D-18. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness the Dula Dangerous Driving Questionnaire.
Table D-19. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness the Dula Dangerous Driving Questionnaire.
Table D-20. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory.
Table D-21. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory.
Table D-22. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory.
Table D-23. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory.
Table D-24. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory.
Table D-25. T-test summary table for Driver Attentiveness.
Table D-26. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the Waypoint Performance-Based Test.
Table D-27. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the Waypoint Performance-Based Test.
Table D-28. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the Waypoint Performance-Based Test.
Table D-29. T-test summary table for driver attentiveness for the Useful Field of View Performance-Based Test.
Table D-30. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Driver Age).
Table D-31. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Years of Driving Experience).
Table D-32. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Traffic Violations).
Table D-33. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Number of Accidents).
Table D-34. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Daytime Sleepiness Rating).
Table D-35. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness (Hours of Sleep).
Table D-36. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Aggression).
Table D-37. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Dislike).
Table D-38. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Hazard).
Table D-39. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Thrill-seeking).
Table D-40. ANOVA summary table for Driver Attentiveness Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Drowsiness).
Table D-41. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the Dula Dangerous Driving Inventory (DDDI).
Table D-42. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the Dula Dangerous Driving Inventory (NE).
Table D-43. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the Dula Dangerous Driving Inventory (AD).
Table D-44. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the Dula Dangerous Driving Inventory (RD).
Table D-45. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the Useful Field of View.
Table D-46. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (N).
Table D-47. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (E).
Table D-48. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (O).
Table D-49. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (A).
Table D-50. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (C).
Table D-51. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the waypoint performance-based test (channel 1).
Table D-52. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the waypoint performance-based test (pcr).
Table D-53. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the waypoint performance-based test (mvr).
Table D-54. ANOVA summary table for driver attentiveness for the waypoint performance-based test (seatbelt).
Table D-55. ANOVA summary table for eyeglance for total time eyes off the forward roadway.
Table D-56. ANOVA summary table for eyeglance for number of eyeglances.
Table D-57. ANOVA summary table for eyeglance for length of longest glance.