This page is devoted to discussions regarding specific in-vehicle technologies: cell phones, navigation systems, night vision systems, wireless Internet, and information and entertainment systems, among others. The purpose is to provide an avenue for drivers to share their experiences with, and impressions of these technologies so that benefits of these systems can be realized without causing unsafe driver distraction. Although specific in-vehicle devices are emphasized here, comment and discussion relevant to other non-technological or conventional sources of distraction are also welcome. Be sure to take or view results of our informal polls.
Please tell us about your experience with these technologies…
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Cell Phones |
310 4 2 6 |
Navigation Systems |
43 1 2 3 |
Night Vision Systems |
22 |
Wireless Internet (E-mail) |
29 2 |
Information & Entertainment Systems |
Stereo systems with wheels 7/5/00 10:08:33 AM
To My Kids 7/5/00 12:42:12 PM
Agreement on noise level 7/7/00 1:18:28 PM
TV on board. 7/8/00 9:48:27 AM
drivers should be driving, not actively viewing anything other than road 7/8/00 10:17:54 AM
Cell phones don't cause accidents, people do! 7/8/00 7:39:10 PM Michael Rudmin Private Citizen
It occurs to me that we do have to be aware that driver stupidity can extend beyond technology. The most shocking case I can think of was where I was in a car, and the 19-year-old driver found a sci-fi novel to be too good to put down, and was on the interstate with a book on the wheel, "catching a sentence" whenever he could. Fortunately, there was nobody in the car besides the driver, and he was properly shocked at his own behavior and stopped it before someone got killed (since he's 30 now, I guess he learned his lesson the easy way.) Of course, that doesn't mean that something shouldn't be done about driving under the influence of infotech. But it does, perhaps, mean that it would be as inappropriate to ban all technology as it would be to ignore those who read their newspapers and such on the interstate (Washington DC morning traffic excepted). Rather, there should be a tie between the riskiness of the activity and whether it is banned. For example, outgoing voice email might be perfectly fine, while hands-free cell phones might still be a problem.
That annoying noise 7/9/00 9:45:57 AM
Cell phones (and other distractions) HELP people cause accidents 7/12/00 10:26:30 AM
Audio-ONLY can be used safely by the person with good judgement 7/15/00 1:09:59 AM
Annoying/Distracting Car Stereos are unsafe 7/15/00 11:15:40 AM
Cell Telephones 7/17/00 3:18:27 PM
Car Stereos worse than Cellphones 7/18/00 6:51:35 PM
"Earthquake Sound" In Cars Has To GO! 7/18/00 7:42:03 PM
Action Needed to Outlaw BOOM Cars 7/19/00 10:30:13 AM
BAN TV's in vehicles!!!! 7/19/00 11:07:50 AM
Prime-Time on the Dashboard 7/19/00 5:47:13 PM
See Consumer Electronics Association statement 7/20/00 11:54:02 AM
rolling temper tantrums 7/21/00 7:35:16 PM
Car stereo designs are jokes 7/31/00 2:02:16 AM
Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 2:43:50 PM
RE: Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 9:26:19 PM
True Americans 8/3/00 11:47:09 PM
STEREO ON WHEELS 8/10/00 7:01:50 AM
Other |
92 |