Stereo systems with wheels 7/5/00 10:08:33 AM
To My Kids 7/5/00 12:42:12 PM
Agreement on noise level 7/7/00 1:18:28 PM
TV on board. 7/8/00 9:48:27 AM
drivers should be driving, not actively viewing anything other than road 7/8/00 10:17:54 AM
Cell phones don't cause accidents, people do! 7/8/00 7:39:10 PM
That annoying noise 7/9/00 9:45:57 AM
Cell phones (and other distractions) HELP people cause accidents 7/12/00 10:26:30 AM
Audio-ONLY can be used safely by the person with good judgement 7/15/00 1:09:59 AM
Annoying/Distracting Car Stereos are unsafe 7/15/00 11:15:40 AM
Cell Telephones 7/17/00 3:18:27 PM
Car Stereos worse than Cellphones 7/18/00 6:51:35 PM
"Earthquake Sound" In Cars Has To GO! 7/18/00 7:42:03 PM
Action Needed to Outlaw BOOM Cars 7/19/00 10:30:13 AM
BAN TV's in vehicles!!!! 7/19/00 11:07:50 AM
Prime-Time on the Dashboard 7/19/00 5:47:13 PM
See Consumer Electronics Association statement 7/20/00 11:54:02 AM
rolling temper tantrums 7/21/00 7:35:16 PM
Car stereo designs are jokes 7/31/00 2:02:16 AM
Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 2:43:50 PM
RE: Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 9:26:19 PM
True Americans 8/3/00 11:47:09 PM Ronald Doyle Other
Refering to: "Earthquake Sound" In Cars Has To GO!
It really suprises me, in a day and age where people speak of how corrupt the government is, how high their taxes are, and how much control the government has already, for someone to speak of regulations. How many of you people, who have posted your comments, have vehicles that can travel faster than 65 mph? I ask this simply because the national average speed limit is 65 mph, so why need to go faster? If that is the law, then how can we dare allow automobile manufacturers to continue producing vehicles that can exceed the speed limit? If it were up to you people, American supercars such as the Corvette would be extinct, right? Not understand where I'm going with this? Let me explain. I am the manager of a hi-end custom car stereo specialty store. I like millions of other Americans, have a job and provide a service. But before I go any further, let me make one thing clear. I do understand these loud stereo systems are annoying. I agree that something should be done, but I believe you are going about it all wrong. Make a law so that someone in the vehicle cannot hear the sounds produced from another vehicle. I can live with that. Impose major monetary fines. Again, fine by me. Punish those who break the law, but by no means make a law that would put a hard working, TAX-PAYING American like myself out of work because you don't like loud music. Just remember, have it your way and you will have no right to personal freedoms such as individuality. We will all be forced to drive slow vehicles that will cut-off upon reaching the speed limit, and we will also not be allowed to delight our ears and enjoy music the way we as individuals think it should be reproduced.
STEREO ON WHEELS 8/10/00 7:01:50 AM