Stereo systems with wheels 7/5/00 10:08:33 AM
To My Kids 7/5/00 12:42:12 PM
Agreement on noise level 7/7/00 1:18:28 PM
TV on board. 7/8/00 9:48:27 AM
drivers should be driving, not actively viewing anything other than road 7/8/00 10:17:54 AM
Cell phones don't cause accidents, people do! 7/8/00 7:39:10 PM
That annoying noise 7/9/00 9:45:57 AM
Cell phones (and other distractions) HELP people cause accidents 7/12/00 10:26:30 AM
Audio-ONLY can be used safely by the person with good judgement 7/15/00 1:09:59 AM
Annoying/Distracting Car Stereos are unsafe 7/15/00 11:15:40 AM Mike Voytko Private Citizen
Refering to: Stereo systems with wheels
Though car stereos can be used safely and responsibly by some people, I agree that car audio gear, both OEM and especially aftermarket, has become so excessively powerful as to impair the driver's hearing (permanently) *and* pose a distraction/annoyance to other drivers, and anyone else in the surrounding area--indoors or out. I find this a major contributor to driving related stress, which in turn makes me less focused on the road. Since we require cars to be factory equipped with mufflers & emission controls to protect the peace and the environment, imposing objective wattage/equipment limitations _and_ more subjective usage restrictions on car audio systems should be a logical next step. Manufacturers should certainly not be able to ship cars with OEM systems that are advertised as being as powerful as a dance club's. Laws need to be written or revised so that law enforcement need not carry expensive commerical noise meters to be able to issue a violation; right now, some jurisdictions with laws on the books can't effectively enforce them, because they are written around specific decibel limits. Let's face it: if someone has a 12" subwoofer installed in their car, it's probably not there for decoration purposes. And if a stereo can be heard outside the vehicle, that should be sufficient for issuing a violation, in the same way that witnessing any other traffic violation is. Stiff fines should be imposed, but these can still be ignored by the most determined scofflaw. Confiscating offending equipment or even impounding vehicles would be a strong deterrent for repeat offenders; Certain states that ban radar detectors already permit confiscation. The original poster's statement that mostly young males behave in this manner suggests another important task: preventing these behavior patterns from developing, and carrying into adulthood. Young people have been finding ways to make cars noisy and distracting for years, but it seems fewer and fewer are growing out of it. Parents and educators need to be strong, attentive role models so that their charges learn to grow up to be considerate, and have things to occupy their time besides deafening and endangering themselves and others on the road.
Cell Telephones 7/17/00 3:18:27 PM
Car Stereos worse than Cellphones 7/18/00 6:51:35 PM
"Earthquake Sound" In Cars Has To GO! 7/18/00 7:42:03 PM
Action Needed to Outlaw BOOM Cars 7/19/00 10:30:13 AM
BAN TV's in vehicles!!!! 7/19/00 11:07:50 AM
Prime-Time on the Dashboard 7/19/00 5:47:13 PM
See Consumer Electronics Association statement 7/20/00 11:54:02 AM
rolling temper tantrums 7/21/00 7:35:16 PM
Car stereo designs are jokes 7/31/00 2:02:16 AM
Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 2:43:50 PM
RE: Loud Audio Systems 8/2/00 9:26:19 PM
True Americans 8/3/00 11:47:09 PM
STEREO ON WHEELS 8/10/00 7:01:50 AM