Table of Contents by Technical Session
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Oral Papers
Assessment of New and Improved Field Data Collection, Analysis and Benefits Assessment Methods
Biomechanics #1: Advances in Experimental and Mathematical Biomechanics and Injury Research
Biomechanics #2: Advances in Crash Test Dummies, Instrumentation and Data Analysis
Clearing the Regulatory & Enforcement Hurdles of New Technology
Consumer Information Approaches To Improve Global Safety
Crash Avoidance #1: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Product Evolution; Evaluation; and Real World Deployment Challenges
Crash Avoidance #2: Driver Monitoring Systems and Driver-Vehicle Interface Design for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Crash Avoidance 3: Enhancing Safety with Connected and Automated Vehicles
Electronic Systems Safety - Cybersecurity and Reliability
Integrated Safety from Pre-Crash to Crash to Post-Crash
Protection of Vulnerable Road Users
Restraint System Design and Performance Challenges: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Populations (Age, Gender, Stature)
Safety Performance in Frontal Crashes
Safety Performance in Side Impact and Rollover Crashes
Written Papers
Government Status Report
Assessment of New and Improved Field Data Collection, Analysis and Benefits Assessment Methods
Biomechanics #1: Advances in Experimental and Mathematical Biomechanics and Injury Research
Biomechanics #2: Advances in Crash Test Dummies, Instrumentation and Data Analysis
Crash Avoidance #1: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Product Evolution; Evaluation; and Real World Deployment Challenges
Crash Avoidance #2: Driver Monitoring Systems and Driver-Vehicle Interface Design for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Crash Avoidance 3: Enhancing Safety with Connected and Automated Vehicles
Integrated Safety from Pre-Crash to Crash to Post-Crash
Protection of Vulnerable Road Users
Safety Performance in Frontal Crashes
Safety Performance in Side Impact and Rollover Crashes